Category: Short Stories

Short Story – “The Servant of Xoal”

They wore the armour and carried the swords, but they didn’t look much like Knights of Aldor. The circumstances were already suspicious enough. On the twenty-first of Ashmorrl, the Aldorian ship, known as the Wind’s Keeper, arrived at the dwarven...

Short Story – “The Obsession”

Gentry marched through the cold, dark corridors with his head held high — a difficult thing to do while wearing a mask of heavy gold, but he managed it. Behind him, several men with hooded faces followed his ceremonial steps,...

Short Story – “The Coronation”

It was impossible not to hear the roaring crowds. Their jubilant voices drifted in through the windows from the people-choked streets. Amelia didn’t find them too hard to ignore, however, as she was too busy staring at the black fingers...